Rules to Serve the Lord

Rules to Serve the Lord

By Wang Mingdao

Merely attending theological school, reading about mission outreach, learning to teach and minister in church, or studying Bible are not sufficient to carry out God’s work. To do His work, one needs to understand and preach the truth in the Scripture. But more important is holiness, love without false pretense, forgiving heart, resolute will, keen insight, courageous spirit, perseverance, and humility. These inner qualities are not learned from the theological schools but are brought about by God through tribulations, sufferings, and setbacks. Only those who are willing to undergo God’s pruning can expect to be God’s vessels fit and useful in His sight. Unless we cleanse ourselves of the following vices, we cannot do any work for God, let alone be a leader in the church.

Greed arises by earthy fortune, flattery when comes across opulence and power, love for the worldly greatness and vanities, seeking the ostentatious display of oneself, jealousy of the capable and virtuous, engrossment in self-interest, and also practices of hypocrisy, manipulation, and lies are some of the worst vileness. Unless such dregs can be completely removed and cleansed from within, one cannot and should not do God’s work, let alone be a leader in the church. A believer with these characteristics will bring enormous harm to others instead of saves. He ruins the church instead of builds. He brings disgrace to God’s name instead of glorifies. A church would be better off and better served without such workers. Countless churches have been brought to irreversible corruption as a result. The importance of being holy in order to serve Him must never be slighted.

Using worldly or humanly means to do God’s work may achieve some level of success. However, they are usually superficial and transient. Ultimately, it brings total havoc to God’s work. This is one of the primary reasons that numerous churches today have fallen beyond recovery.

Proclaiming God’s salvation and sharing personal testimony is something all Christians can do and should do. But the interpretation and teaching of Bible should not be practiced lightly unless one has spent years in earnest search and study of his words and will. Interpreting His words at will is dangerous and it may bring about grave errors and twisting of the Scripture truth. As the Scripture truth becomes further distorted, it leads to even greater deviation and damage. Be warned that this is a danger that can happen to some earnest Christians.

God’s laborer is also His ambassador. He is in a position of honor and bears enormous responsibilities. To be deserving of such honor, he must not bend on principles or deviate from truth to please. He must not flatter to gain favor or riches. He should not degrade himself by his own deeds or words. He should stand firm and should not cater to others every wish just to please or be agreeable. He should not ask for favors lightly. He should not seek sympathy from others. More importantly, he should not solicit financial support. Some have suggested that the purpose of preaching is to earn a living. This is not only ignorant but also an absolute insult to God.

God’s laborer should be courteous, but should not waste an inordinate amount of energy, money and time to entertain and socialize. Such activities will not nourish, but impair, one’s spiritual life and work.

God’s worker should not act or speak in a manner only to spare the feeling of others at the expense of God’s words or truth. Those who are concerned about how they look in other people’s eyes cannot do God’s work.

He should not preach things that he himself does not believe or does not intend to practice. Otherwise, he is deceiving others and he is a hypocrite.

Those starting out in the ministry should alert and not rely on the flesh. Those who have been in the ministry longer should be on guard against learning to be slick. Those who rely on the flesh will meet failure and obstacles. However, from those experiences, they can overcome the fleshly tendency. But falling into the trap and habit of slick demeanor is incurable and therefore more deadly.

God’s worker should not compromise with sin, nor should he compromise with the world. He should not make concession to false prophets and teachers. He must not be concerned about offending men. If he is afraid to offend people, he will not be able to bring people to Christ.

Money, fame, and romance are three of the most effective entrapments often used by Satan on men. He can use any one of the three to completely destroy God’s workers. To serve Him, one needs to be warmed of Satan’s devices and be extra cautious.

God’s worker needs to rebuke sin but still treats others with tenderness.

God’s laborer does not need letters of recommendation from others. He does not need to promote himself. God will provide the recommendation. “As Samuel grew up, the Lord helped him and made everything Samuel said came true. From the town of Dan in the north to the town of Beersheba in the South, everyone in the country knew Samuel was truly the Lord’s prophet.” (1 Samuel 3:19-20) Samuel is our example.

Those who are fearful can not accomplish God’s work. Those who fear insults, slander, offending others, suffering loss, difficulties and dangers should leave the ministry.

Only those who are incorruptible by wealth and position, unswayed by poverty lowliness, and unyielding to power and force, can be His workers of power.

A good worker of His, other than attentively study Bible, he must be observant and attentively study people as well. Many workers, loving, faithful and devoted, are deceived or used by others simply because they fail to read people with discernment. Consequently, God’s work and church suffer.

God’s worker should stay clear of sin but should know when others sin. He should be free of deviousness and should recognize the deviousness of others. Only then, can he rebuke sin, warn people and help them stay away from sin.

God’s worker should be a blazing fire. He sets fire everywhere he goes. He warms those who need comforting and encouragement. He scorches those who need cleansing and warning.

Do not worry about what others might say about you as long as our Lord Jesus calla you His “good and faithful servant”.

Wang Ming Dao

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Story Of Olive Zhang

Story Of Olive Zhang — Told by Dr. John Sung


The Miraculous Effect of Praying Together in Unity

The story of Olive Zhang tells us how important it is for God’s children to pray together earnestly in unity! The effect is amazing! Just as the first Pentecost, a group of people about one hundred and twenty joined together for a time constantly in prayer in Mark Tower, which brought amazing effect.  Just as the Scriptures says:  “In a very short time, will not Lebanon be turned into a fertile field and the fertile field seem like a forest?” (Isaiah 29:17)  “Till the Spirit is poured upon us from on high, and the desert becomes a fertile field, and the fertile field seems like a forest.” (Isaiah 32:15)  With this story, may the Holy Spirit stir up God’s children to pray persistently in one heart! Only by faith, praying according to God’s promise, not looking at the environment, not by sight, you will see the work of the Holy Spirit and the miraculous effect in His time. (It is suggested that Christians join together to read a passage or a chapter of the Scripture to know God’s will, then pray together.)

How potent it is by joining together and grasping God’s words in prayer

There was a man named Olive Zhang, who lived on the mountain of Olives. He had four friends, who always prayed with him on the mountain of Olives. Their names are: Extracting Oil, Planted before God, Oil Circulation and Seven Lights Glowing. His four friends were with him from morning to night. There was a desert down the mountain where one could seldom see a soul. Five of them plowed, planted olive trees, read the Bible and prayed on the mountain. They transformed all the secular chores into spiritual services. Everyday they lived the kind of life that transcended the world. One of the peaks of the mountain of Olives was called Instructing Peak. Olive Zhang and his friends always had fellowship up there. Together they studied one chapter of the Bible, which was read aloud by Extracting Oil. Then Planted before God prayed, Oil Circulation said Amen, Seven Lights Glowing chanted, and Olive Zhang recorded every details of their fellowship. This mysterious group always gathered at the Instructing Peak and prayed. Their spiritual fruits could not be understood by others.

One morning, Extracting Oil recited Psalm 23, Planted before God prayed according to Psalm 23, and Oil Circulation said Amen all along and Seven Lights Glowing chanted joyfully. Olive Zhang recorded everything. No one knew what had happened to those seven churches down the mountain on that very day.

There were seven churches around the mountain and they all experienced miracles on that day. The Church in Ephesus suddenly regained their first love and saw God’s miraculous love on them. They truly understood that the Lord was their Shepherd and they should not be in want. The Church in Smyrna had been under severe afflictions, but all of a sudden she entered His rest. Truly they understood these words: “He makes me lie down in green pasture, he leads me beside quiet waters.” The Church in Pergamum had a sudden revival and forsook the false teaching of Balaam. They consecrated themselves and truly experienced the meaning of: “He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness.” The Church in Thyatira came to great awakening and disassociated with Jezebel: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.” The Church in Sadis woke up suddenly and were comforted by the Lord’s rod and staff. The Church in Philadelphia on the verge of destruction was anointed by the Spirit. Truly they ate the feast before their enemies and were anointed with oil. The Church in Laodicea experienced a sudden revival. They entered God’s grace, enjoyed the heaven feast and never wanted to leave: They would dwell in the house of the Lord forever. As soon as Olive Zhang was informed of the revival in the seven churches down the mountain, he and his four friends focused more on the work instructed by God and lived a godly life.

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