Forty John Sung

Revival Sermons

Translated by Timothy Tow


Dr. John Sung was probably the greatest preacher of this century.  I have heard almost all the great preachers from 1910 until now, including R. A. Torrey, Billy Sunday, Henry Jowett, the great holiness peachers, the Methodist bishops, including Bishop Quayle, even Harry Emerson Fosdick, who set a great example of the homiletic art, though I did not agree with him, and finally Billy Graham.  Yet John Sung surpassed them in all pulpit power, attested by amazing and enduring results, of which we will give examples later.


- William E. Schubert              

Volume I


Volume II




Jesus, my Lord, I yearn for Thee,

How sweet art Thou to me!

O that we're taken up today

Fore'er with Thee to stay!



O Thou the Balsam of the garden,

O Thou the sweet Rose of Sharon,

Thou art the Lily of the Valley,

How shall I part with Thee?


In all the world there's not a sound

That can Thy mercies sing,

Nor has that heart on earth been found;

Thy brimming love contain.


Though hearts are faint and tears do flow,

Our sighs we can't control.

When of Thy compassion I think,

Grief goes and joy comes in!


Great is Thy love that far transcends

The bounds of time and realm.

Tis the Beloved who can tell:

Thy love all loves excell.


- Translated from John Sung Revival Choruses.

