2. Daily Must Reads in the Scriptures

2. Daily Must Reads in the Scriptures
Daily Must Reads in the Scriptures:
Deuteronomy and Proverbs, one chapter from each book
“Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.” Deuteronomy 11:18
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” Proverbs 9:10
It is hoped that in addition to the daily Comparative Method of Bible Study, every reader of this web site can read one chapter from the book of Deuteronomy and Proverbs. (It is suggested that you read one chapter from each book daily according to the date, so that you may finish reading both books once a month. Then read it over again in the same manner.) Through this comprehensive study of the Bible, God’s words will richly and soundly blend with our lives. As a result, our spiritual lives will be made to be like a wheel intersecting another wheel: from grace to grace, and from strength to strength!
The book of Deuteronomy holds an important lesson for the elect to learn before they enter the promise land. This lesson is to make them uphold every command of God so that they can inherit the promise land. Deuteronomy also emphasizes how the elect are to destroy every kind of wickedness and to take warnings into their hearts so that they are secure in the promise land. When Jesus overcame the devil’s temptations in the desert three times, He used scriptures from the Bible quoted from the book of Deuteronomy each time. From His successful example we can see that the book of Deuteronomy is a magic weapon for today’s Christians. We can use Deuteronomy to help us take possession of the land promised to us by God, keep His inheritance, and overcome all kinds of temptations and persecutions. Deuteronomy also reveals to us how to be blessed and kept in the Lord.
Proverbs is a book of wisdom that teaches us how to fear God, to listen and observe His words, to be far away from sins and filth, and to overcome wickedness. This book is especially valuable for the youth today, lest they be led astray to the grave by sweet words and blandishments of the evil one. “Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.”(Proverbs 30:5) Therefore, we must listen and give ear to our Heavenly Father’s discipline and teachings to remove our foolishness, ignorance, and simplicity. After reading Proverbs, we will become noble instruments that are approved, blessed, esteemed, and kept safe in God, so we might glorify God and greatly benefit men.

Reference I: The main points of each chapter of Deuteronomy

  1. Trust in God wholeheartedly.
  2. Obey carefully.
  3. Observe only God’s will.
  4. Observe the Lord’s words fully.
  5. Keep the covenant and preach.
  6. Be careful and fear God.
  7. Destroy enemies completely.
  8. Guard against pride and prostitute.
  9. Forget not our own wickedness.
  10. Lead people to keep covenant.
  11. Obey faithfully.
  12. Serve the Lord carefully.
  13. Destroy every enticement.
  14. Be holy and fear God.
  15. Cancel debts and lend to the poor.
  16. Remove the yeast and offer sacrifice.
  17. Remove wickedness and observe God’s words.
  18. Be perfect before God.
  19. Save the man who kills unintentionally.
  20. The way to wage a war.
  21. Be kind and justice.
  22. Fidelity and true love.
  23. Holy and perfect.
  24. Be kind to others.
  25. Carry on brother’s name and destroy the enemies.
  26. Give thanks and offer.
  27. Inscribe God’s words in one’s heart.
  28. Obey and fear God.
  29. Do not deceive oneself.
  30. Return and observe God’s words.
  31. Encouragement and warnings.
  32. Rebuke and give warnings.
  33. Observe God’s words and be blessed.
  34. A faithful servant has authority.


Reference II: The main points of each chapter of Proverbs

  1. Listen to the Lord’s commands and do not to follow the evil way.
  2. Seek the Lord to be delivered from wickedness.
  3. Observe the Lord’s words and do good things humbly.
  4. Observe God’s words fully and be far away from wickedness.
  5. Be away from the way of adulteress and drink the living water.
  6. Diligently observe God’s words and abhor wickedness.
  7. Do not go astray lest one be killed.
  8. Continue to pray earnestly and do what is right.
  9. Observe God’s words fully and walk in the light.
  10. He who gets rid of wicked words can nourish people.
  11. Persevere in being righteous and seek goodness earnestly.
  12. Blessed is he who takes discipline humbly and seeks diligently.
  13. Listen and obey and remove wickedness diligently.
  14. Fear God and depart from evil to do right.
  15. Observe God’s words cheerfully and preach meekly.
  16. Control one’s heart and lead a righteous life.
  17. Do not quarrel but seek love.
  18. Do not be unfriendly or have too many companions.
  19. Remove wickedness diligently and observe God’s words forever.
  20. Remove wickedness and maintain justice.
  21. Follow the Lord as He directs and be firm in doing right.
  22. Observe God’s words humbly and diligently and be far from sins.
  23. Do not be greedy but turn one’s heart to the Lord.
  24. Prepare oneself diligently to save people.
  25. Control one’s heart and never shrink back.
  26. Listen and obey God’s words and remove foolishness.
  27. Listen to warnings and be faithful to the Lord’s entrustment.
  28. Depart from the evil to observe God’s words and do right.
  29. Depart from the evil practices so as to be delivered from snares.
  30. Prepare oneself diligently to overcome wickedness.
  31. Do not fall into temptation but serve the Lord diligently.
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