The Hymn of Comparative Method of Bible Study

An Open Letter (April 30, 2002)

This collection of hymns is comprised of the key meaning and teaching drawn from each chapter in the Bible using the Comparative Method of Bible Study, which allows readers to deeply understand the daily theme of the Scriptures. Each hymn uses the same melody. Through repeated singing, we can remember God’s precious Word. On the one hand, God’s Word examine us (removes what God wants us to remove, and encourages us to seek what God wants us to seek.). On the other hand, God’s Word shows us clearly His will and promise in prayers. Believers, watch and pray for God’s church. Let the Holy Spirit complete His work of transformation through His Word. Let God’s will be done. The following are examples of the hymns:

  1. In the beginning, God created the world. In His image, He made man and woman. God told man to rule the created world. He who trusts the Almighty God brings glory to Him.
  2. Isaiah the prophet obeyed God’s command to warn God’s people not to look to man but to God. He went stripped and barefoot: as a symbol for the shame brought by dependence on man.

(Stanza 1 is the key teaching of Genesis 1. Stanza 2 is the key teaching of Isaiah 20.)

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.” (Colossians 3:16)


The 1stpart


The 2ndpart


The 3rdpart


The 4thpart


The 5thpart


The 6thpart

Joshua, Judges, Ruth

The 7thpart

1 & 2 Samuel

The 8thpart

1 & 2 Kings

The 9thpart

1 & 2 Chronicles

The 10thpart

Ezra,Nehemiah, Esther

The 11thpart


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